Nobody Knows Your Story
A podcast that is centered around the life story of the podcast guest.
Nobody Knows Your Story
Striving for Success in Both Professional & Personal Life Has Driven Keith Gee
Larry Camp
Season 1
Episode 8
NKYS sits down with Keith Gee in his beautiful home in Parker, CO and learns about the experiences in his life that made him who he is.
Keith grew up in a military family which meant he moved around a bit. He also grew up the only boy in a family of six children which most certainly had a profound influence on him. As with everyone, Keith has experienced highs and lows and he covers several that helped develop his character.
We talked about current issues and how Keith developed close relationships with teammates growing up that transcended race, religion and socioeconomic position.
And... We did it all while being Coronavirus safe. (Well, most of the time.)