Nobody Knows Your Story

Helicopter Fixer Extraordinaire, Chuck Hagen Shares His Story

Larry Camp Season 1 Episode 27

"Honey, I've got to  go out of town on business. I'm heading to Honduras, be back in a couple of weeks."

 Chuck Hagen joined the Army after High School but not directly. He worked a bit and over time decided he wanted to take his life another direction. His eyesight kept him from becoming a pilot but when a recruiter suggested being a helicopter mechanic Chuck thought, why not?

Listen as Chuck recalls growing up in Milwaukee, dealing with the divorce of his parents, realizing his Dad was less than perfect but following his advice to do something more with his life. Doing something more is what led Chuck to the Army, eventually marriage, and a career in aviation all the way out in Arizona.

Oh yeah, and some not so typical business trips.