Nobody Knows Your Story

Family IS Everything to Jim Low. He Shares His Love of Family and Life with NKYS.

Larry Camp Season 2 Episode 3

Jim Low is all about family. I've been lucky enough in life to have known Jim and his family since we were kids. It's been a desire of mine to have Jim tell his story on my podcast since I began last year, and I finally got him to agree; or wore him down. 

Our Zoom visit covers Jimmy's life with humorous recollections at every turn. We talked about his love for his wife Lori and his three daughters. He talks about his Mom and Dad and how losing them in 2020 was a hard blow considering how close he was to them.

We've lived a few doors apart, worked together, played A LOT of softball together, spent a lot of time together as families and I feel super lucky to count Jimmy as one of my close friends. 

Take a little time out of your day and enjoy the  life story of Jim Low.   

(Mid podcast song is "My Hawaii" by The Green, a Hawaiian Reggae band from Oahu.)